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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09897986"

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et al. S.N. 09/897,986 

Claims 1-2 were rejected as anticipated by DEAN 
5,885,644, claim 1 was rejected as anticipated by ALESSI 
5,565,233, claim 1 was rejected as anticipated by MONARI 
FEDERZONI and claim 1 was also rejected as anticipated by the 
Balsamic Soy Sauce nad Balsamic Glazing Sauce produced by 
American Culinary Gardens as described on the America Culinary 
Gardens web site copyright 1998-2001. Claims 3-9 were rejected 
as unpatentable over DEAN in view of FREEMAN 5,221,550. The new 
claims are believed to avoid these rejections and reconsideration 
and withdrawal of the rejections are respectfully requested. 

The new claims are directed to an embodiment of the 
sauce that includes at least 40% balsamic vrnegar of Modena, a 
thickening agent and a sugar. 

Balsamic vinegar, in particular balsamrc vinegar from 
Modena, is different from normal wine vinegars obtained from 
fermentation of wme. Modena balsamic vinegar is produced by a 
different process, is matured differently, and uses different 
ingredients. Veiy briefly, balsamic vinegar is made only from 
must (never from wdne) which is boiled and maturea using age-old 
techniques, without addition of different substances. This 
causes the sugar fermentation which leads to vinegar. Further, 
although commonly called a vinegar, balsamic vinegar is m fact 
more properly termed a condiment. 

Balsamic vinegar from Modena has a very intense taste 
and IS used m tne preparation of various sauces, such as those 



et al. S.N. 09/897, 986 

described in the prior art cited in the Official Act.on. It is 
3l^^^3xs_used in relatively sparing quantities because of its very 

intense taste. 

The above-cited documents include only very small 

quantities of balsamic vinegar, and are typically used as a 
flavoring. Furthermore, the American Culinary Gardens provides a 
sweetened and flavored vinegar which rs very different to the 
balsamic sauce claimed herern. ALESSI teaches using a white 
vinegar, while Modena balsamic vinegar is always very dark brown 
with a balsamic flavor. The only reference to Modena is that the 
whrte wine vrnegar (not balsamic vinegar) and the must used come 
from Modena. This xs not the same as Modena balsamic vinegar. 

indeed, none of the references use Modena balsamic 
vinegar to any great percentage and specrf.cally not anywhere 
near the 40% claxmed rn claim 1. The inventors have found that 
by addxng the thickenxng agents and sugar, they are able to 
soften the very xntense taste of the balsamxc vinegar of Modena. 

in vxew of thxs, recons xderat ion and withdrawal of the 
rejections are respectfully requested. 



I et al. S.N. 09/897,986 

in view of the present amendment and the foregoing 
remarks, it is believed that the present applxcation has been 
placed rn condition for allowance. Reconsideration and allowance 

are respectfully requested. 

^spectf ull 


"/homas W. Perkins ^ 
/ Attorney for 7Vf)plicants 
Registration No. 33,027 
745 South 23rd Street 
Arlington, VA 22202 
Telephone : 521-2297 

December 9, 2 0 02 



CONTINI et al. S.N. 09/897,986 


;=,limentary use containing, as main 
A sauce for aiimentaj-y 

,„,.edle„t, balsa„.= v.„e,a. of Modena, co^ined wit. tMc.enin, 
.,e„ts and sugars. The .alsa»ic saoce o«e.s ..e advantage of the taste ot .ine,a. di.ectly to those toods. on which 

,e,uia. .aisa„io ,ine,at of Modena is not fot its hi^h 

level of acidity and its high fluidity. 


CONTINI et al. S.B. 09/897,986 



Tne Abstract of the Disclosure has been amended as 


n • ^r,-hArv use containing, as mam 
A sauce for alimentary use 

,„,.ea.en., .alsa^.c ,.he,a. o. »odena, =o„h.„ed, 
3„d s„,a.s. The balsa„.c sahoe Uccordin, to hhe 
.„.e„..oh, o..e.3 .he ad,a„.a,e o.«in, the «s.e o. ..he,a. 
d..ectlv .c. .hose foods, o„ which .e,.ia. haisa..c „ne,a. o 



, . 9 and 10 have been amended as 

Page 4, Examples 8, 9 ana x 

follows : 

Ealsamic vinegar of Modena 
1 waited base 

.„„e,3. Of Hodeca, su,a., dehvd.a.ed .iccose sv.up, de.»ose, 

, c:^orr-h xanthan gum as 
lactose, maltodextrin, modxfxed starch. 



CONTINI et al. S.N. 09/897,986 

[Sweet base] 

Balsamic vinegar of Modena 

• . 1 with a sweetbase_includesi balsamic 

List of ingredients:] wxth_a_swe 

dextrose, lactose, dehydrated glucose 
vinegar of Modena, sugar, dextrose, 

^■■p^oH =;tarch[, xanthan gum as 
syrup, maltodextrin, water, modified starchl. 

Stabilizer] . 

[Flavouring base] 
Balsamic vinegar of Modena 


flavouring preparation, taste of fish 

■ -^h a fish flavoring^ncludes^ balsamic 
T^st of ingredients: J with_A^isrL^i 

r,.r lactos.^, water, salt, yeast extract m 
vinegar of Modena, sugar, lact-s,, 

. -^^r^ ^ stabilizer, 
crustaceans (crayfish, crabs), xanth.n 

page 5, Examples U, 12 and 13 have been amended as 

to 1 lO'V/s : 

- - E^^-ar^ipl^^Li 

[Flavouring base] 

■ .Tir^ori;^r of Modena 
Balsamic vmegai 


Fia^^ouring preparati 

,n, taste of meat 

CONTINI et al. S.N. 09/897,986 

,.„.,a. c. Moaena, 3u,a.. la..o3e, wa.e., sa.t, veas. in 
,„„,e.. ae„a«.ea glucose ....P. »aXtoae«.in, ~..c 
,,„.a„a.e a= «a.e enhance., -ai.iea =.a.c., a.o„a3, 

as stabilizer. 

[Flavouring base 

^ the flavored balsamic vinegar of 
Balsamic] Another^rub^ 


^o-i includes : balsamic 
c:o list of ingredients:] inciuoe^ 
Flavouring base, Hsr ol y 

.T=.-hor salt, yeast extract m 
vinegar of Modena, sugar, lactose, water, 

„„„.er, .e.yarate. gi.cce s.r„p, .aito.e.trin, n.o„oso.r = 
g;„ta.ate a. taste en.ancer, areas, .o.iUe. starcn, »a„tnan 

as stabilizer. 

[Flavouring base 

^ r.f the flavored balsamic vinegar 
Balsamic] Y_e_t_anoth^ 

of Modena 
: Water 

1 inr-l udps • balsamic 
y.^^<. list of inqredients: ] _inciua^.- 
•'■lavourmg base, iit=L 

..nar lactose, water, salt, yeast extract m 
-rinegar of Modena, sagar, iacrcb 

c,vruD maltodextrin, monosodic 
..„,..^e- dehydrated glucose syrap, 

,,„,.„ate as tast,, .od.f.ea stare., .iavo„rs, .antnan 


CONTINI et al. S.N. 09/897,986 


as stabilizer.